Patyala down de throat is an adventures odyssey of a twenty one year old boy who experiences sweet-bitter tastes of life. The story is set in an educational institute (sort of a Gurukul) where a soft natured boy turns up seeking solution about his career. Dev the protagonist being the only hero discovers facets of love, emoting, sacrifice and other varying emotions across Patyala down de throat is an adventures odyssey of a twenty one year old boy who experiences sweet-bitter tastes of life. The story is set in an educational institute (sort of a Gurukul) where a soft natured boy turns up seeking solution about his career. Dev the protagonist being the only hero discovers facets of love, emoting, sacrifice and other varying emotions across a series of unfortunate events that happens to him. What follows the whirlwind is the advent of Mirchi Seth, 37 china town, dukes of hardcore drinkers rally and the quixotic dilemma keeping the racy style of the novel alive till end. But what seems to change him is a single statement of his mentor which touched his life.
Patyala down de throat is an adventures odyssey of a twenty one year old boy who experiences sweet-bitter tastes of life. The story is set in an educational institute (sort of a Gurukul) where a soft natured boy turns up seeking solution about his career. Dev the protagonist being the only hero discovers facets of love, emoting, sacrifice and other varying emotions across Patyala down de throat is an adventures odyssey of a twenty one year old boy who experiences sweet-bitter tastes of life. The story is set in an educational institute (sort of a Gurukul) where a soft natured... Read More