As a parent, you are a caregiver, guide and an abundantsource of love to your little one. You are like an alchemistwho creates your childs healthy chemistry. One of theways you can do this is in the kitchen by instilling good eatinghabits at a young age.Children are especially sensitive to preservatives and additives in food and consumingthem can cause a range of problems from obesity and allergies to diabetes. It is in earlychildhood that the childs foundational structures, comprising the brain, spine, and nervoussystem, are refined. What your children eat in this period, how they interact with theirenvironment, their exposure to influential adults, and daily exercise determines theirdevelopmental health.This book is full of easy-to-prepare recipes and simple tips, like how brown rice improvesyour childs brain function and intelligence, how white sugar hampers neural activity, orhow if a childs cheeks are persistently red or swollen or drooping, it shows a defect in hisblood circulation to the lungs. Beautiful Children, by macrobiotic specialist Tarika Ahuja, isyour manual to growing strong, happy, healthy children.
As a parent, you are a caregiver, guide and an abundantsource of love to your little one. You are like an alchemistwho creates your childs healthy chemistry. One of theways you can do this is in the kitchen by instilling good eatinghabits at a young age.Children are especially sensitive to preservatives and additives in food and consumingthem can cause a range of problems from obesity and allergies to diabetes. It is in earlychildhood that the childs foundational structures, comprising the brain, spine, and nervoussystem, are refined. What your children eat in this period, how they interact with theirenvironment, their exposure... Read More