Using a unique, under the skin approach, leadership has been conceptualised as a primary drive or a powerful need to take responsibility for changing the direction of developments and delivering results. A leaders strategies and actions are always coloured by his unique needs, self-images and his own life goals, though he is rarely conscious of the process. The author helps a leader develop insight into his under-lying latent self, modify it and synergies personal goals with leadership role, to enhance leadership effectiveness. It presents a leadership development approach, to ensure enduring and higher leadership effectiveness.Challenging many current practises, this book replaces them with more authentic ones, which are likely to set trends and substantially enhance the effectiveness of the organisational leaders.No enlightened organisational leader, entrepreneur, a professional on his way to top, hankers after success alone. This book sets out a definitive approach to achieve leadership success, distinct identity in society and holistic self-realisation.
Using a unique, under the skin approach, leadership has been conceptualised as a primary drive or a powerful need to take responsibility for changing the direction of developments and delivering results. A leaders strategies and actions are always coloured by his unique needs, self-images and his own life goals, though he is rarely conscious of the process. The author helps a leader develop insight into his under-lying latent self, modify it and synergies personal goals with leadership role, to enhance leadership effectiveness. It presents a leadership development approach, to ensure enduring and higher leadership effectiveness.Challenging many current practises, this book... Read More