A.D. Millers Snowdrops is a riveting psychological drama that unfolds over the course of one Moscow winter, as a thirty-something Englishmans moral compass is spun by the seductive opportunities revealed to him by a new Russia: a land of hedonism and desperation, corruption and kindness, magical dachas and debauched nightclubs; a place where secrets - and corpses- come t A.D. Millers Snowdrops is a riveting psychological drama that unfolds over the course of one Moscow winter, as a thirty-something Englishmans moral compass is spun by the seductive opportunities revealed to him by a new Russia: a land of hedonism and desperation, corruption and kindness, magical dachas and debauched nightclubs; a place where secrets - and corpses- come to light only when the deep snows start to thaw... A chilling story of love and moral free fall: of the corruption, by a corrupt society, of a corruptible man. It is taut, intense and has a momentum as irresistible to the reader as the moral danger that first enchants, then threatens to overwhelm, its narrator.
A.D. Millers Snowdrops is a riveting psychological drama that unfolds over the course of one Moscow winter, as a thirty-something Englishmans moral compass is spun by the seductive opportunities revealed to him by a new Russia: a land of hedonism and desperation, corruption and kindness, magical dachas and debauched nightclubs; a place where secrets - and corpses- come t A.D. Millers Snowdrops is a riveting psychological drama that unfolds over the course of one Moscow winter, as a thirty-something Englishmans moral compass is spun by the seductive opportunities revealed to him by a new Russia: a land of hedonism and... Read More