Its Your Move!, the book designed to help children move to secondary school and enable churches to build relationships with their local schools, is being revamped! The much-loved initiative has sold 500,000 copies to date and the updated design and content gives fresh appeal to Year-6 children. The book contains an A-Z survival guide, advice from older children, space for friends autographs, puzzles and more. Be the first to get the new Its Your Move! and tell its wonderful story.
Its Your Move!, the book designed to help children move to secondary school and enable churches to build relationships with their local schools, is being revamped! The much-loved initiative has sold 500,000 copies to date and the updated design and content gives fresh appeal to Year-6 children. The book contains an A-Z survival guide, advice from older children, space for friends autographs, puzzles and more. Be the first to get the new Its Your Move! and tell its wonderful story.