Princess Giselle finds herself banished from her magical and animated world to the gritty reality of Manhattan, in this charming retelling of the new feature film from Walt Disney Pictures. Starring Amy Adams, Susan Sarandon, and Patrick Dempsey, the movie hits theaters on November 21. Includes an 8-page full-color photo insert.What girl hasnt dreamed of popping out of a manhole cover in the middle of Times Square and finding Prince Charming? In this fresh spin on the classic fairy tales made famous by Disney, a princess discovers that happily ever after doesnt have to be picture perfect Enchanted: The Junior Novel tells the story of the beautiful Giselle, who finds herself banished from the magical and animated world of Andalasia to the gritty reality of modern-day Manhattan. Featuring an all-star cast that includes Patrick Dempsey (Greys Anatomy), Amy Adams (Junebug), Susan Sarandon (Stepmom), and James Marsden (X-Men), this lighthearted and romantic comedy is sure to be the must-see holiday film of 2007
Princess Giselle finds herself banished from her magical and animated world to the gritty reality of Manhattan, in this charming retelling of the new feature film from Walt Disney Pictures. Starring Amy Adams, Susan Sarandon, and Patrick Dempsey, the movie hits theaters on November 21. Includes an 8-page full-color photo insert.What girl hasnt dreamed of popping out of a manhole cover in the middle of Times Square and finding Prince Charming? In this fresh spin on the classic fairy tales made famous by Disney, a princess discovers that happily ever after doesnt have to be picture perfect Enchanted: The Junior... Read More