In an unforgiving future, two warring factions - the MILLENIALS and the GUARDIANS - are locked in a brutal battle over control of an online virtual world called the Metasphere. Jonah Delacroix has always known which side hes on - the same side as his dead father. But when he assumed his fathers avatar, he learns that things arent as black and white as he once believed. In an unforgiving future, two warring factions - the MILLENIALS and the GUARDIANS - are locked in a brutal battle over control of an online virtual world called the Metasphere. Jonah Delacroix has always known which side hes on - the same side as his dead father. But when he assumed his fathers avatar, he learns that things arent as black and white as he once believed. Hes catapulted into a full-throttle race through both worlds - but can he find the truth? MetaWars : Fight for the Future is the first installment in a fantastic futuristic adventure series with fast-paced, cinematic narrative. Set in the near future MetaWars suggest a fascinating - but also scary - prediction of what might be to come, covering already topical issues such as fuel shortage, climate change and economic meltdown.
In an unforgiving future, two warring factions - the MILLENIALS and the GUARDIANS - are locked in a brutal battle over control of an online virtual world called the Metasphere. Jonah Delacroix has always known which side hes on - the same side as his dead father. But when he assumed his fathers avatar, he learns that things arent as black and white as he once believed. In an unforgiving future, two warring factions - the MILLENIALS and the GUARDIANS - are locked in a brutal battle over control of an online virtual world called the Metasphere. Jonah Delacroix has... Read More