Ivy is a determined young faery, living in an abandoned tin mine with her clan. In a cruel twist of fate she was born without wings, and she longs to fly like the others. When she meets an enigmatic stranger, he seems to offer an answer. But there is more to him than meets the eye - and more secrets in Ivys world than she ever realised. Paperback , 368 pages Published March 1st 2012 by Orchard Books
Ivy is a determined young faery, living in an abandoned tin mine with her clan. In a cruel twist of fate she was born without wings, and she longs to fly like the others. When she meets an enigmatic stranger, he seems to offer an answer. But there is more to him than meets the eye - and more secrets in Ivys world than she ever realised. Paperback , 368 pages Published March 1st 2012 by Orchard Books