Its Flanimals galore as Ricky Gervaiss second book on this species takes students to a higher level. For serious flanophiles, Gervais introduces some new members in this advanced Spotters Guide. Learn about how Flanimals evolved in a wonderfully detailed evolutionary chart. What does the inside of a Flanimal look like? Find out in a new section on Flanatomy for Beginner Its Flanimals galore as Ricky Gervaiss second book on this species takes students to a higher level. For serious flanophiles, Gervais introduces some new members in this advanced Spotters Guide. Learn about how Flanimals evolved in a wonderfully detailed evolutionary chart. What does the inside of a Flanimal look like? Find out in a new section on Flanatomy for Beginners. With this stunning new book illustrated by Rob Steen, the Flanimals craze can only grow.
Its Flanimals galore as Ricky Gervaiss second book on this species takes students to a higher level. For serious flanophiles, Gervais introduces some new members in this advanced Spotters Guide. Learn about how Flanimals evolved in a wonderfully detailed evolutionary chart. What does the inside of a Flanimal look like? Find out in a new section on Flanatomy for Beginner Its Flanimals galore as Ricky Gervaiss second book on this species takes students to a higher level. For serious flanophiles, Gervais introduces some new members in this advanced Spotters Guide. Learn about how Flanimals evolved in a wonderfully detailed evolutionary... Read More