In the idealistic world of the 1960's, a terrorist is brought to the brink by love...Many lives had already been sacrificed for the Irish cause, but legendary freedom fighter Colum O'More, ageing and critically ill, was ready to gamble once more for a last devastating strike...Britain's most wanted political offender. A seductively beautiful woman. And the dream of a perfe In the idealistic world of the 1960's, a terrorist is brought to the brink by love...Many lives had already been sacrificed for the Irish cause, but legendary freedom fighter Colum O'More, ageing and critically ill, was ready to gamble once more for a last devastating strike...Britain's most wanted political offender. A seductively beautiful woman. And the dream of a perfect escape.Which is why Sean Rogan, soldier of the Irish Republican Army gets all the help he needs to break out of a mainland security prison. An escape into a nightmare beyond anyone's control...
In the idealistic world of the 1960's, a terrorist is brought to the brink by love...Many lives had already been sacrificed for the Irish cause, but legendary freedom fighter Colum O'More, ageing and critically ill, was ready to gamble once more for a last devastating strike...Britain's most wanted political offender. A seductively beautiful woman. And the dream of a perfe In the idealistic world of the 1960's, a terrorist is brought to the brink by love...Many lives had already been sacrificed for the Irish cause, but legendary freedom fighter Colum O'More, ageing and critically ill, was ready to gamble once... Read More