In the late summer of 1913 the aristocratic young poet Cecil Valance comes to stay at Two Acres, the home of his close Cambridge friend George Sawle. The weekend will be one of excitements and confusions for all the Sawles, but it is on Georges sixteen-year-old sister Daphne that it will have the most lasting impact. Paperback , 564 pages Published July 4th 2011 by Picador (first published June 27th 2011)
In the late summer of 1913 the aristocratic young poet Cecil Valance comes to stay at Two Acres, the home of his close Cambridge friend George Sawle. The weekend will be one of excitements and confusions for all the Sawles, but it is on Georges sixteen-year-old sister Daphne that it will have the most lasting impact. Paperback , 564 pages Published July 4th 2011 by Picador (first published June 27th 2011)