In this witty and poignant comedy of early-Victorian life in a country town, Elizabeth Gaskell describes the uneventful lives of the lady-like inhabitants so as to offer an ironic commentary on the diverse experiences of men and women. This edition has detailed notes and a new introduction which discusses the originality and subtlety of the book\'s angle on women\'s experience. Also included in this edition is the sequel to Cranford, The Cage at Cranford, and a unique appendix of related writing.
In this witty and poignant comedy of early-Victorian life in a country town, Elizabeth Gaskell describes the uneventful lives of the lady-like inhabitants so as to offer an ironic commentary on the diverse experiences of men and women. This edition has detailed notes and a new introduction which discusses the originality and subtlety of the book\'s angle on women\'s experience. Also included in this edition is the sequel to Cranford, The Cage at Cranford, and a unique appendix of related writing.