Deep in the heart of the African Jungle, a baby gorilla is captured by a group of rebel soldiers.
Imara and Bobo are two children also imprisoned in the rebels' camp. When they learn that the gorilla is destined to be sold into capativity, they swear to return it to the wild before it's too ltte.
When the consequences of getting caught are too terrible to think about. Will the bond between the gorilla and the children give them the courage they need to escape?>br>'Gill Lewis has established herself as the principal contemporary writer of animal stories.'
Deep in the heart of the African Jungle, a baby gorilla is captured by a group of rebel soldiers.
Imara and Bobo are two children also imprisoned in the rebels' camp. When they learn that the gorilla is destined to be sold into capativity, they swear to return it to the wild before it's too ltte.
When the consequences of getting caught are too terrible to think about. Will the bond between the gorilla and the children give them the courage they need to escape?>br>'Gill Lewis has established herself as the principal contemporary writer of animal stories.'