Kweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep! When the alarm squeal sounds it must be a job for Captain Peter Porker and the PIGS IN PLANES! Theres an emergency somewhere in Animal Paradise and the hogs are heading high in the sky to Chicken Island. An hen-ormous robbery has put the chickens in a spin - and the egg-nappers have vanished. WHO has stolen the prized eggs - and why? PiPs are GO!
Kweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep! When the alarm squeal sounds it must be a job for Captain Peter Porker and the PIGS IN PLANES! Theres an emergency somewhere in Animal Paradise and the hogs are heading high in the sky to Chicken Island. An hen-ormous robbery has put the chickens in a spin - and the egg-nappers have vanished. WHO has stolen the prized eggs - and why? PiPs are GO!