Breakfast at Tiffany's is a valentine of love, fashioned by way of reminiscences to one Holly Golightly...Capote makes unique reading - The New York Times Book ReviewIt's New York in the 1940s, where the martinis flow through cocktail-hour to breakfast at Tiffany's. And nice girls don't - except, of course, Holly Golightly. Pursued by Mafia gangsters and playboy millionair Breakfast at Tiffany's is a valentine of love, fashioned by way of reminiscences to one Holly Golightly...Capote makes unique reading - The New York Times Book ReviewIt's New York in the 1940s, where the martinis flow through cocktail-hour to breakfast at Tiffany's. And nice girls don't - except, of course, Holly Golightly. Pursued by Mafia gangsters and playboy millionaires, Holly is a fragile eyeful of tawny hair and turned up nose, a heart-breaker, a perplexer, a traveller, a tease. She is apparently top banana in the shock department, and one of the shining stars of American fiction.This edition also contains three stories: House of Flowers, A Diamond Guitar and A Christmas Memory.One of America's best writers - at his best - Sunday TimesCapote's handling of scene, dialogue, illumination of character, near-caricature which rises to revelation, his eye for comedy, both social and joyously anti-social...make this short novel his own; and a fine one, outstanding in any season - Sunday ReviewCover photograph: Hulton Deutsch
Breakfast at Tiffany's is a valentine of love, fashioned by way of reminiscences to one Holly Golightly...Capote makes unique reading - The New York Times Book ReviewIt's New York in the 1940s, where the martinis flow through cocktail-hour to breakfast at Tiffany's. And nice girls don't - except, of course, Holly Golightly. Pursued by Mafia gangsters and playboy millionair Breakfast at Tiffany's is a valentine of love, fashioned by way of reminiscences to one Holly Golightly...Capote makes unique reading - The New York Times Book ReviewIt's New York in the 1940s, where the martinis flow through cocktail-hour to breakfast at... Read More