
The Rachel Papers

The Rachel Papers
The Rachel Papers

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The Rachel Papers

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  • 219

  • 9780140070019

  • 158 gram


  • 1984

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    In his uproarious first novel Martin Amis, author of the bestselling London Fields, gave us one of the most noxiously believable -- and curiously touching -- adolescents ever to sniffle and lust his way through the pages of contemporary fiction. On the brink of twenty, Charles High-way preps desultorily for Oxford, cheerfully loathes his father, and meticulously plots the In his uproarious first novel Martin Amis, author of the bestselling London Fields, gave us one of the most noxiously believable -- and curiously touching -- adolescents ever to sniffle and lust his way through the pages of contemporary fiction. On...  Read More

    About the Author

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    Martin Amis

    Martin Amis is an English novelist, essayist and short story writer. His works include the novels Money, London Fields and The Information.

    The Guardian writes that all his critics have noted what [his father] complained of as a terrible compulsive vividness in his style... that constant demonstrating of his command of English; and its true that the Amis-ness of Amis will be recognisable in any piece before he reaches his first full stop.

    Amiss raw material is what he sees as the absurdity of the postmodern condition with its grotesque caricatures. He has thus sometimes been portrayed as the undisputed master of what the New York Times has called the new unpleasantness.

    His twelfth novel, The Pregnant Widow, will be published in the United Kingdom in February, 2010, and in North America in May of the same year.

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