A pacy, chilling psychological thriller, set to reinvent the genre. It begins, they say, with a woman screaming...Don't shut your eyes...In an isolated corner of a remote Scottish island lies the McBride house, a place that has forever been shrouded in shadows and secrets. In Victorian times, a mother and son perished there, and just one year ago, a local boy went missing-a scream the only clue as to his fate. For Zoe Adams, though, the McBride house represents a much-needed escape from her life in America, and from the tragedy that has befallen her. All she wants is to be alone, to finally find peace. Only the calm Zoe so desperately craves eludes her. For as night falls, she is disturbed by unsettling dreams, the sinister notes of a woman singing, an indistinct face at the window...Someone, or something, wants Zoe gone, and will stop at nothing to rid the house of her presence.
A pacy, chilling psychological thriller, set to reinvent the genre. It begins, they say, with a woman screaming...Don't shut your eyes...In an isolated corner of a remote Scottish island lies the McBride house, a place that has forever been shrouded in shadows and secrets. In Victorian times, a mother and son perished there, and just one year ago, a local boy went missing-a scream the only clue as to his fate. For Zoe Adams, though, the McBride house represents a much-needed escape from her life in America, and from the tragedy that has befallen her. All she wants is to... Read More